barisan rakyat sabah bersekutu bahasa Inggris
- barisan: array; rank; ranks; row; sequence; column; file;
- barisan rakyat sabah: sabah people's front
- rakyat: citizen; common people; folk; people; populace;
- sabah: north borneo; sabah; sabahan
- bersekutu: allied; ally; ally with; allying; caballing;
- barisan pembebasan rakyat palestin: popular front for the liberation of palestine
- barisan pemberontakan rakyat indonesia: indonesian people's revolutionary front
- parti harapan rakyat sabah: sabah people's hope party
- parti perpaduan rakyat sabah: sabah people's unity party
- parti rakyat sabah: sabah people's party
- parti bersatu rakyat jelata sabah: sabah people's united front
- pertubuhan perpaduan rakyat kebangsaan sabah: sabah national people's unity organisation
- bersekutu: allied; ally; ally with; allying; caballing; confederate; confederated; confederating; leagued; be in league with; federated; federate; corporate; federalize; collective; band together; unite; feder
- barisan rakyat untuk pembebasan palestina - komando umum: popular front for the liberation of palestine – general command